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Here's a set of touching I am sorry poems for boyfriend in this article for asking boy friends to forgive you.

Sorry Poems for Boyfriend

A boyfriend occupies a special place in one's lives. But at the same time, it's equally true that one tends to say hurtful things to him when the going is not so easy. Normally it is after the anger has cooled down that you realize how much the words must have hurt the other. In few cases, it is his prolonged absence that makes you realize how much he means to you. In such cases, you can take help of sorry poems for boyfriend to set everything right. Forgive me Boyfriend poems is a unique way to say I am sorry.
  • I did not intend to hurt you
    The way, I realize now, I did.
    Your love means the world to me
    And it always will.
    I will do whatever it takes
    To prove the same to you.
    Ever since I met you
    And your love enveloped my heart
    I knew for sure that
    A new chapter in my life would begin from the start.
    Forgive me for the hurt I have brought.
    I have tried making it up to you through each little chance I got.
    You have my love for now and forever.
  • Just three words, eight letters, but so tough to say.
    The words seem to get stuck inside me, somewhere tucked away.
    But this is too vital to let them have their way.
    I should try to say it now, I must today.
    I am sorry.
  • I am sorry for being too emotional
    I am sorry for being mean
    I am sorry that I cry for you
    I am sorry coz I can't imagine my live without you
    I am sorry for my self-centered love
    I am sorry I cared not enough
    But trust me when I say that I love you
    Should I say sorry for that too?
  • Sorry for each time I have hurt you
    Sorry incase you do not like anything I say or do
    Sorry for the times I have put up a fight
    Sorry I don't understand why I just can't do a thing right
    Sorry if I am sometimes so complicated
    Sorry for making you feel frustrated
    Sorry I am unable to fight back the tears
    Sorry for times I kept you away from peers.